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Wk1 - Activity - Plaster Casting

The plaster casting activity was so much fun for me and I wish I could have stayed a bit longer to socialize with my classmates and professor Glenn if I didn’t have to attend a workshop at school. The process of making this mold with plaster was very self-explanatory and easy since the instructions were clearly stated on the website including videos of other Art 110 students demonstrating it.

I chose to do my hand instead of my foot because I thought having a mold of my foot in the house would be pretty weird. Everything went really well, I also had help with the materials from the awesome Sydney! (She’s on the right in the picture).

I think this activity could be applied as an art project if a group of people would get together and in the end display their molds for a picture. Other than that, a cutesy cheesy idea for couples is they can hold their hands together and make a mold of their hands. If I could do this activity again, I would put more wet sand at the bottom so that my fingers would come out in a better shape.

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